Cat isn’t ready for challenges of motherhood. Watch how she sits with kittens | Trending

This video that has recently been shared on Reddit shows how a mother cat reacts when her many kittens surround her.
Parenthood isn’t easy for anyone. Not for humans and definitely not for cute cats and dogs. This video that has recently been shared on Reddit, shows how a catto simply isn’t ready for the challenges that motherhood has brought for her. The video will make you laugh out loud in all probability.
Though there is a chance that you might also feel sorry for the adorable fur baby who was a baby herself not too long ago. The video shows the cat sitting with quite a sad expression on her face, as her many kittens surround her. Most of them she nurses while the one of the more daring kittens even manages to climb on top of her head.
This cat video that is equal parts cute and hilarious was shared on Reddit with a caption that reads, “Halp.” It’s just the cute catto and doggo version of the word ‘help.’ This video was shared on the subReddit named r/aww. And there is a good chance that it can definitely make your day, just like it has made several others’ who have watched the adorable video.
Watch the cat video right here:
The video has been posted on Reddit around 10 hours ago. It has garnered several comments from people who love cats and kittens. It has also received more than 3,000 upvotes on it so far.
A Reddit user hilariously posted, “The face of parenthood.” “Have kids, they said. It’ll be fun, they said,” wrote another. A third Reddit user posted, “This is my life meow.” “That one kitten is going places, we’re not sure where, but he’s going there,” pointed out a fourth.
What are your thoughts on this Reddit video that involves some cute kittens and a mother catto?
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