Pet Shop

Haunted pet shop holds seance after annoyed ghost chucking dog toys leaves staff scared to work alone

A pet shop owner held a séance after CCTV captured what is believed to be an ‘annoyed’ resident ghost throwing dog toys – leaving staff too fearful to work alone.

Rebecca Harrington was forced to call in ghost hunters to investigate a series of unexplained incidents at Purdy’s Pet Shop in Coventry.

Eerie footage shows a cat toy being flung from a shelf, a hoover that won’t turn off and Rebecca says she’s spotted orbs following them around the room leaving the six members of staff terrified of going into the back room alone.

The 43-year-old, who has been running the pet shop for more than two years, says that customers started to complain that they were being ‘tugged’ and animals would ‘freak out’ just two months after opening.

Shop manager Tracey Nelson, 57, and shop owner Rebecca Harrington, 43, outside 'haunted' Purdy's pet shop in Coventry
Shop manager Tracey Nelson, 57, and shop owner Rebecca Harrington, 43, outside ‘haunted’ Purdy’s pet shop in Coventry

Eventually she felt compelled to check the CCTV and was shocked to discover some of the spook’s antics caught on camera.

Local ghost hunters were called in to perform the séance and claimed the place was haunted by a male who was ‘annoyed’ about the shop’s staff being there.

But the antics haven’t put off customers, many of whom are clamouring for ghost hunters to return to commune with the spirit again – though Rebecca claims she will stay well away with a glass of wine if they do it again.

Rebecca said: “We were in the shop but we were nowhere near the shelf. When the toy fell, we were just stood there looking at each other. It was a stable shelf.

“We’ve got a bit of a history. Weird things started happening about two months after we opened.

“Things started moving and falling. We’d be stood with the customers and they’d say they felt like they were being tugged or they’d spin around and there’d be nobody there or they would swear that they’d seen a shadow so we started checking the CCTV.

“We walked in one day and there was a toy on the floor which we thought was strange because it looked like it had been placed there.

“We checked the CCTV and saw that it had just flown off the shelf and then spun on the floor for about three minutes.

Rebecca Harrington, 43, who owns Purdy's pet shop in Coventry
Rebecca Harrington, 43, who owns Purdy’s pet shop in Coventry

“Then some customers came in with their Alsatians and they were really freaked out and wouldn’t go anywhere near that area. Their owners were saying they don’t usually behave like that.

“They’ve been in a few times before but this time they were properly spooked.”

Last Halloween, Rebecca called in local ghost hunters who believe that they felt the spirit of a man who used to live in the building and is annoyed at the presence of staff.

Rebecca said: “A couple of customers are ghost hunters so we organised a séance for charity. It was weird, as one of the hunters left the room, there were a load of orbs that followed her back in and she was in distress.

“They think it’s a male that used to live here. It’s been a shop for the past 40 or 50 years so we think it may have been bombed in the war as Coventry was bombed heavily.

“They don’t think he’s angry, just a bit annoyed that we’re here.

“Most of the time we get annoyed because we have to clean up but staff don’t like being here alone, it’s normally me whose here alone doing the till and people will run out of the back room. They don’t want to be in there on their own.”

A seance was held at Purdy's pet shop after CCTV captured things falling from shelves
A seance was held at Purdy’s pet shop after CCTV captured things falling from shelves

The shop, named after Rebecca’s seven-year-old Border Terrier, has become famous in the area with passers-by stopping to ask about the resident ghost.

Rebecca said: “Purdy sits and stares into the area we see orbs. Something spooky will happen at least once per month.

“I did believe in ghosts before but I also didn’t. We still look for logical explanations, whether it could be a light shining off something.

“The ghost doesn’t really scare customers. A lot of people come in and ask about it and want to know if we’re going to do another séance.

“If we do, I’m not going to mess with that, I’ll be out the back having a glass of wine.”

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