Maryland cat declaw ban bill

ANNAPOLIS, MD (WJW) – Maryland is poised to become the second state in the nation to ban the practice of declawing cats.
Senate Bill 67 would prohibit veterinarians from declawing cats unless the process is necessary for “therapeutic purposes.”
If a vet declaws a cat for any other reason, they could have their license suspended or revoked.
Declawing involves amputating the last bone on each toe.
On a human, that would be cutting a finger down to the knuckle.
New York was the first state to ban the practice in 2019.
Declawing cats was once commonly performed to stop a cat from scratching.
The measure in Maryland passed the Senate last month. It is expected to receive final approval in the House this week and head to the governor.
Opponents of the bill said it should be left to veterinarians to decide what’s best for their patients.
The practice is banned in several countries and cities.