Ontario Cat Abandoned On The Side Of The Road With Its Scratching Post

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It’s not uncommon to see someone toss trash on the side of an Ontario road, but it is heartbreaking to see someone leave a furry family member behind.
Pickering Animal Services reported that operations staff found an abandoned male cat and his belongings on the side of the road while driving by Concession 7 and Brock Road on March 16 at around 8 a.m..
A photo posted of the brown tabby shows him looking up into the camera while perched inside what appears to be the top of a cat house surrounded by snow and a scratching post.
“Abandoning an animal like this is extremely neglectful, as they are left to fend for themselves against coyotes, vehicular traffic, and the weather,” reads a press release from the city.
Pickering Animal Services is rallying for public help and is asking anyone with information on the cat to come forward.
“We cannot comprehend this act of cruelty. If you are looking to rehome your pet, please bring them into the shelter,” said Lindsey Narraway, Supervisor, Animal Services. “We will ensure they are kept safe and taken care of, giving them the best chance at finding a new home.”
According to the press release, the brown cat will be looked after and “assessed medically” at the shelter before they go about finding a new adoptive family for the little guy.
Anyone who knows “where this cat may have come from” can contact Pickering Animal Services at 905-427-0093.
Unfortunately, abandoned animals are not unheard of in Ontario. Earlier this year, a litter of kittens was found in a trash can by a Toronto pet store and last summer, the Toronto Zoo found turtles reportedly dumped in their parking lot.
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