
Cat sleeps soundly on a pile of shoes, because why not? Watch cute video | Trending

This video that has recently been shared on Reddit shows how a cat sleeps in a peaceful way on a pile of shoes of all places.

There is simply no dearth of adorable cat videos on the Internet. And if you dig such videos that involve cats and kittens, then you have found yourself just at the right place. This video that has recently been shared on Reddit shows a cat in all its natural glory. By which, one can mean that the cat simply does as it pleases.

The video is quite brief but enough to make people understand that this cat will simply not care about where it sleeps. This adorable fur baby can be seen sleeping on a pile of shoes of all places! But the funniest part of the video is that the cat even has a singular slipper on its head that covers its face from the sunlight falling on it.

This cat video that is equal parts adorable and hilarious was shared on Reddit with a caption that reads, “Cats are different.” This video was shared on the subReddit named r/aww. And there is a good chance that one single look at this cute cat video can definitely make your day, just like it has made several netizens’.

Take a look at this funny cat video for yourself:

The cat video has been posted on Reddit around 22 hours ago. It has received many comments from people who love cats and kittens. It has also received more than 550 upvotes on it so far.

A Reddit user hilariously wrote, from the point of view of the cat, “Good luck leaving without your shoes, humans!” “I like to think of it as some vast experiment cats the world over participate in. Seeing what it’s like to sleep on every possible object or surface. No matter how uncomfortable it is or how awkward it looks they do it. For cat science!” observed another.

What are your thoughts on this Reddit video that involves a cute cat?

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